My little sister decided she wanted to age another year, and turn 17 on Saturday. little does she know, that as soon as this year is over.... 18-21 {and possibly further, i wouldn't know yet} all kinda blend together. and before you know it, adulthood is smacking you in the face and you're and old married person going to bed at 9:30, and having to pay for things like interest on a mortgage. guh.
Steven talked me into riding along while he golfed with one of his buddies. Not gonna lie, the whole golfing thing never appealed to me. Trying to hit a ball into a tiny hole? boring. I'm more of a "smack-the-ball-as-hard-as-humanly-possible" kinda gal. The driving range is cool. or even better, hitting baseballs! yes. But playing nine holes.... bleh. no danke. So i sunbathed.
Can we talk about how amazing the weather was this weekend?? i kinda want to cry with joy. I almost forgot how much fun it is to be outside soaking up some vitamin D. We took our pups to a little park in Salt Lake where they can run and play with the the other dogs. Graham lovvved it. Flynn... was a little more hesistant. I think after three retrievers ganged up on him, he was a little freaked out. So he spent the rest of the outing refusing to be set down.
his tounge is gonna end up being three feet long, probably.
Lucky for us, we are only three days away from our next weekend. We are heading south again for a little sunshine and adventure :) I know, we are partyers. And it rocks.