Dear constant-gum-chewer,
you are over 30. PLEASE stop pulling your gum out of your mouth and playing with it. That is disgusting, even when a 7 year old does it. And it's a bazillion times worse when you do. Just stop already.
Dear gym-stalker,
I'm not sure yet if you intentially go at the same time as me or not. But, if you didn't notice already, I ignore you on purpose. And when you come and run on the machine next to me, it makes it much harder to do so.
Dear mr. munchies,
do you even work here? Every time i go to refil the pop in the fridge, there you are. Munching. I'd appreciate it if you stopped hanging out at my desk to gaze out the door and comment on the weather we both know isn't gonna change any time soon. Also, those gift baskets of goodies people keep dropping by? yeah, i totally keep those on my desk on purpose. Just so you can wander out and see that i am in fact, holding your next snack hostage. I still haven't forgiven you for your april fool's prank of 2011. And I'm planning to make you pay for it for a good lonnnng time.
Dear ms. OCD,
to my general male employee population,
you WILL survive if you do not know what you're eating for dinner until 4pm. you WILL survive if you do not get exactly what you want to eat every night. and you WILL survive {heaven forbid} you dont get any extra sour cream with your baked pototo. any future complaints can be written down, and thown in my trash bin. k thanks.
I think it's safe to say i'm a little cranky myself today.
maybe from the lack of sugar and diet coke i have been so devotedly depriving myself of as of late. I know, it's ridiculous.
maybe it's because i had to get up before 7am to drive in the ridiculous blizzard to south salt lake to drop flynn off to be neuterized. and as a result got back just in time to pippy-longstocking my hair and throw on a maybe, but more likely not clean sweater.
but PROBABLY it's because I'm going all crazy momma bear worried over ma munchkin baby not being there to welcome me home at lunch, and being all alone when he got his surgery.
Gosh dang it can I leave to pick him up now??????
yeah that's most likely it. Poor boy is gonna be in the cone of shame for ten whole days.
is it 5pm yet??