Elder Uchtdorf ended up being there! it's kinda fun living in utah sometimes. when it's not raining/snowing/hailing/blizzarding.
i've decided that using instagram to edit my photos has got to stop. gosh dang it, i know photoshop. and not using it is just sad. And after editing all these photos... im remembing how much i love it. now if only i could get my real camera to work...
Graham has been officially nicknamed "the poop machine." He is only 7 weeks old, so he is having a hard time grasping the potty training. We are definitely going to have to replace our carpet. If he weren't so darn cute, i would have already sentenced him to living in our backyard. curse you gray puppy-dog eyes.Tax season is OVER. now instead of trying to not punch someone in the face, i'm just fighting to stay awake. hmm. maybe it's time i start looking for a new job.
ok, so no offense, but what is the deal with Adele? I get that's she's amazing and blah blah but does she have to take up 5 of my 6 radio stations?? And every other song on Pandora? If i hear about settin fire to rain one more time.... i might cry.