Last weekend we decided to head down south for a little mini-vacation-escape. Cuz lets be honest, we needed it. I think it was to the point that if i cleaned up one more puppy potty accident, or scanned one more tax return i was gonna lose it. And Moab is always just a good idea. 

The first day we went on a jeep tour with Santa Clause {yes, for reals}. I never thought I'd be riding through the desert listening to jingle bells, but i guess weirder things have happened. I also thought we were going to die a few times while driving up a 85 degree inclines. But we didn't. So that was cool.
We did a little hiking around some of the less-strenuous areas in Arches. Because when it comes to hiking in the desert, i'm a big fat baby. Poor steven.
Since the car show was happening while we were there, all the hotels were pretty much booked out. So we ended up staying at the KOA. I woke up at 2am one night to Steven peeking out our tent and saying, "hey, I think there is a drunk guy barfing in the bushes!" I'm not sure if that's a regular KOA occurance? But next time, I think I'll want a little more distance between campsites.
On Saturday we had planned to raft on the Colorado river. But maybe that is more a summer time activity. It ended up only being 75 degrees and with the 15mph wind... it felt like -10. And the fact that our boat guide ended up being Mr. Creepy McCreeperson... well... things could have been better. It was still fun though, right guys?? Hopefully it will be a funny story in a couple years. Or just one of those memories we block out forever.
Other then that, Moab was beautiful. It was tons of fun watching all the old guys drive up and down the street, and occasionally peeling out in their vintage cars. Them, and the mexican's in their low-riders taking corners on three wheels. Good times.