For all those non-utahn-davis-countyer's... you shoulda seen the storm that hit us Thursday!
106mph winds. For reals.
It went all through the night and I'm pretty sure no one slept.
We woke up to no power, but figured to go about our day normally anyways.
On the way to work, Steven almost had his car door ripped off it's hinges at the gas station, and watched a man get blown over while crossing the street. Crazy!
I got ready in the dark, and decided no shower was way better then a cold shower.
When I tried to open the garage to leave to work... it wouldn't open. I smacked myself on the forehead for being so silly in thinking it would while the power was off.
I pulled out my phone to call someone for a ride, then come to find it was dead dead dead because I hadn't charged it at night. I was stuck. No car, no phone, no internet, and no food.
As a last effort, I went outside and clinged to the walls to knock and see if any of might neighbors were home. No dice.
I went back inside my freezing house, lit the leftover tea lights from the wedding, and finally gave into the massive pile of thank you notes still needing to be written. I wrote until my fingers froze up, then crawled into bed defeated. Basically, I don't know how the pioneers survived. And I'm a total wuss when it comes to the cold.
Steven came to my rescue at lunch after he couldn't get a hold of me all morning. I spent the rest of the day at my in-laws house keeping warm by the fire with family.
The damage that the wind had caused was unreal. Power lines hanging all over, massive trees ripped right from the ground, fences blown to shreds, debris and shingles everywhere...
I'd never seen anything like it.

I'd never seen anything like it.
This is the only picture I actually took, but you get the idea.
After spending an entire morning alone in a big empty house, I decided I needed a dog before another natural disaster hit. Long story short, we weren't planning on getting a dog till Spring. But one thing led to another and we ended up finding our dream puppy, and we were smitten.
This is our sweet boy, Flynn Rider. He is a 7 week old yorkie mix and will get to be about 5lbs. He just wants to be held and cuddled all the time and cries whenever he isn't close to us. We can't believe how much personality he has already, and how crazy smart he is. He is so so fun and too stinkin' adorable. And he loves his daddy :)
Here's a couple videos to make you happy. He's the bomb.