December 10, 2011

a christmas-y and homey home

So remember when the house we bought was siiiccck nasty??
Like tabacco spits in the grout, red- haired beard shavings in the bathroom crevices, carpet stains from who knows what, fist punched doors, beer and katchup splattered walls, and a micowave, toliet and oven that hadn't been cleaned EVER kinda-nasty?
Yeah me too. Barf.

With A TON of help and many many hours deep cleanin' and scrubbin'... it's starting to look like a home.

Steven and I both wholeheartedly agree that KSL classifieds is the 3rd best thing of all time. Right after Disneyland and puppies of course. If it weren't for KSL, we wouldn't have ANY furniture. But luckily we got a steal of a deal on so many things! Actually, we literally did on our fridge. We might have stolen it from some African ladies in Rose Park. Unintentionally of course, and we drove straight back with the money.. but still. Basically though, KSL is heaven sent.

The TV room before....

and after! Yes, the carpet stains actually did come out, thank goodness.

These pictures just don't do justice to the bathroom's night and day difference after a full scrub down. Before.. when you walked in there you could feel things crawling on you. I'm convinced it was the  mutated bacteria growth from the many years of non-cleaning.

Our baby boy is just growing up to fast! He has slowly become a toddler the past couple weeks, but the good news is... he is learning how to potty in his litter box! Hurray!! He is only waking us up 2-3 times a night! We are such proud parents.

After watching this video I realized something. Steven and I have become one of those people. The people who totally act like their pet is their child. Dressing them up, showing off their pictures, and taking them EVERYWHERE.
(i.e. grocery shopping, movie theater, chili's, the christmas carol play... you get the drift)
But you know what? We are not ashamed.

We took Flynn over to my parents house to meet his Uncle Chuck. But aparently, Uncle Chuck is not too fond of children. And when I say children, I mean puppies.

Last night we got to go up to "This is the Place State Park" for my work party. Steven was foolish, and didn't bring a coat. Even though I specifically told him to dress warm. It was kind of a chilly night to be wandering around a pioneer village without an eskimo suit.

Best part of the night by far though, was when Steven heard Santa Clause was there. He basically ran the whole way. Almost as fast as I ran to the cookies and hot chocolate. (Even if he says it's just because he "was cold"... uh huh. Sure it was.) And it got even better. When we ran up the stairs, no one was there. We might have stood there awkwardly for a couple minutes before Steven asked if he could sit on his lap. Or he asked if I could sit on his lap... I don't remember. Either way, I wasn't going in there alone, so I took him down with me. Poor Santa.

I must really love you Steven.
But I also think you owe me a bag of almond hershey kisses for that one.