I missed out on Halloween last year, so naturally I had to go all out this year to make up for it.
You guys ever seen Despicable Me? Love it. So Steven and I decided to pay homage to our little yellow friends, the minions!!
Steven and I celebrated by going to the haunted house in Salt Lake. Funny thing? They are not crowded AT ALL on Halloween. Awesome. Also awesome: when creepy clown man starts yelling after us saying, "Steve.....Steve..... MR. COLLINS!!!!"
Yeah. For real. How he knew his name... I don't want to know. Apparently Steven has creepy clown friends he never told me about.
What was NOT so awesome was things popping out of dark corners, and zombie people breathing in your face with their rancid breath. Seriously, TIC TAC.
Overall, I think it's pretty much the coolest holiday ever.