Can I panic now? So much to do, and so little time.
My body decided to get all weak sauce on me, and just had to get sick last weekend.
Lets hope I don't still have my smoker voice on Thursday. *fingers crossed*
I'm popping Vitamin C like it's peanut M&M's.
Our house is clean and livable, master bedroom is painted, furniture is all moved in...
I'm feeling good about that!
The display tables for our reception... yeah not so much. We are officially in crunch time.
Exciting news: Our families are starting to gather!!! All my soon to be in-laws and my own extended family are starting to arrive and it's been a BLAST. I'm so stoked to have nieces and nephews! I'm so glad I get the chance to play and spoil someone else's kids, then hand them back when they are grumpy and stinky. Best thing ever.
Sister-to-be Michelle brought her cute kids over to our house. And we may have painted their faces with leftover halloween stuff. Awesome.
Fun fact: Michelle use to babysit me when I was a kid. Who'da thought we'd be related someday??

I did get to go to the temple last friday! It was annoying being so sick, but it still was pretty dang awesome. And I felt so lucky to have Steven there with me! Can't wait for our sealing :) It's exciting to know that this next week and a half will be the best of my life thus far.
And the beginning of our forever together.