But if I have learned anything in the past 22 years, it's that there is always a plan.
I guess I should have seen it coming. I complained enough to Steven about how much I hated what I was doing, how bored I was, and how frustrated I felt. Change was pretty much inevitable.
I was blessed way more then I deserved. I was able to get two new jobs working as a dental assistant, something I had been thinking about for at least a year, but too chicken to really pursue anything. The more amazing part is I was hired with zero experience... something i didn't think was possible. I got out of paying for school, and get paid to learn instead.
Like i said, wayyyy blessed.
I have already learned so much in just the couple weeks I've been working. It really is super interesting, and I love it! Bonus points that it's not just another dead end job. I'm stoked I finally got into (and found!) a career that I really love.