March 20, 2012

happy birthday to my handsome husband

yesterday was Stevens birthday. He turned a whopping 23! So old, right? For reasons I do not agree with, or frankly understand in the slightest, he decided to have a nice "low-key" birthday. A delicious dinner, provided by his momma and then we went to go and see "the Lorax." Ok ok, I guess he did allow me to have a little fun. On Saturday night I decorated our house for a "Transformers" birthday party with our families, complete with a gazillion different desserts on which we all ate ourselves sick. Alas, I did not get any pictures of the awesome decorations. It didn't even cross my mind! So you will just have to use your imaginations on that one.
Steven is quite possibly the best husband ever. Or at least the best possible husband for me. He is unfailingly patient with my endless complaints and issues. He always puts me first, and acts like i'm the only important thing in the world to him. He can make me laugh even when i'm crazy angry or annoyed with him. When i shove him in the middle of the night to get some space or stop his snoring, he just responds with a sweet "i love you." He works so hard to provide for me, and I know he always will. Even when we were just dating, he would put off anything just to spend time with me. He spoils me ridicuously and totally rotten. It wasn't happenstance that brought us together, I'm positive that it was just meant to be. He was always mine, and I've always belonged to him. And I'm reminded every single day he is more than I deserve. And I get to be with him, forever. I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world.
Thanks for waiting for me honey-buns. Here's to a gazillion more birthdays together :)
love you always