I thought it was absolutely brilliant. The characters we dead spot on. Like... woah. They could not have been more perfect! Jennifer Lawrence is officially my homegirl. And Josh Hutcherson... oh my. He completely captured everything I envisioned Peeta to be. And so much more.
I love how it really put you inside Katniss' head. So you saw what she saw, and felt what she felt - just like the book did. I probably cried at least ten times. And did anyone else have a heart attack when the mutt jumped out even though you totally knew it was coming?? Yeah, i think the whole theater was screaming bloody murder.
Anyways, I've heard people complain about a few things that were changed.... well duh! They have to condense a book into a 2 hour and 22 minute story! Bottom line: Suzanne Collins wrote the screenplay. So obviously every change that was made stayed true to the story, and was deemed acceptable by the Queen herself. The only thing I wish had been different was that the camera wasn't so shaky the first twenty minutes.. it gave me a huge headache. So i'd advise not seeing it on the huge IMAX and sitting as far back as possible.
Overall, I guess what it comes down to is: believe the hype. Hunger Games is the bomb. And Suzanne Collins is a storytelling magician. #lastnameawesomeness!
And then it came to pass that on the 24th of March, Steven and I made the commute through the dreaded Utah Valley construction in order to usher in the coming of Spring by throwing colorful chalk into the air. True Story. It was my third year going, and let me tell ya... best year yet! Luckily for us, the Indians don't mind sharing their celebration with a bunch of crazy kids.

Lets cross our fingers that all that chalk throwing did some good, and all the cold storms will stay the heck outta here. *hopin' for sunshine!*