January 30, 2012

i want to buy a zoo

Firstly, I just have to tell you about the movie Steven and I finally saw this weekend. Because it was basically the cutest movie i have ever seen EVER. Has everyone seen "We Bought a Zoo?" For shame. For SHAME. First of all, it's the most awesome story of all time. Secondly, it convinced me that no matter what I accomplish in life, it will be totally lame and anti-climactic compared to owning a zoo. A zoo with tigers no less. Love me some tigers.
And thirdly, the little girl is the the most adorable thing i have ever seen in my life. It kinda made my ovaries ache a little. tmi? well, it's true. I challenge any childless female to watch that movie and not come out baby hungry. Seriously.
Steven and I also became offically part of our ward on sunday when I was called as a YW advisor and him as the YM second counselor! Obviously our bishop thinks our maturity levels are better suited to be with the teenagers. But we aren't complaining. Some people (cough cough aimee and nina) think it's funny I'm back in YW, considering i never went when I was in it myself. And to that I say....why yes, it is quite histerical. But your just jealous that I'm not your leader. so hah.

Tax season is slowly creepying up on us at my work. And I'm in no way prepared for it. I can't believe I even made it through one season. And I don't think any of my co-workers can either. I always thought working in an office would be a party. And then I realized not every office is going to be exactly like the tv show. I'm pretty sure if I started jamming the accountant's drawers and putting their staplers in jello... they wouldn't think it was too funny. Granted, we do ice cream cake for birthdays, it gives me plenty of time to make use of the $8 a month we spend on netflix, and I've occasionally recieved awkward emails from a co-worker that were suppose to be going to his wife. (His wife and I have the same exact name you see.) Those parts are pretty awesome.
I'm really loving that Steven works so close to home ever since he got transferred! I'm wondering how I use to survive without spending the whole lunch hour with him. Spoiled, I know. I had this dream the other night that Steven was Jim, and I was Pam and we worked together in my office and it was pretty much the most magnicificent thing ever. Except for that Voldemort was our boss, and not Michael Scott. And he fired us and sent us to Afganistan because Flynn went potty on his favorite chair.
That dream sounds so much weirder once I've typed it out.
Maybe my subconsious is really sick of cleaning up Flynn's accidecnts.
And seeing so many pictures of Voldemort on pinterest.
And watching every single episode of the office to catch Steven up.
Just maybe.

Also, Steven said something last night that just has to be written down for history's sake.
And because yes Steven, you are just so dang funny.
He looked at me and said, "woooww your eyes are like extra-terrestrial!"
A little hurt by that I said,"rude! why would you say that??"
And to that he replied, "because they are out of this world."
oh yes he did.