5 weeks left. What happened to five months?
And I have a feeling October will flyyyy.
Between invitations, pictures, flowers, shoes etc. we haven't had a day to spare.
We will *hopefully* be closing on our townhouse sometime next week. I can't wait to get in there and start cleaning and painting. And moving in all our awesome stuff we have been collecting recently.
I haven't been helping with our budget at all. With my driving record, and recent car wreck... I've already cost Steven thousands of dollars. And we aren't even married yet. He's such a good sport. And is just too good to me.
When Steven asked my dad if he could marry me, my dad said, "You do understand what you are getting yourself into? She is a serious liability."
He was sure he was.
But he wasn't.
Now he probably has an idea.
I told him the night I crashed that I was sorry I am such a hand full.
He told me, "No Ashley, you are two handfulls. But I'm ok with it, that's why I have two hands."
So maybe it sounds cheesier when I write it out.
Believe you me though, it was darn cute when he said it.

Everyday I spend with him, I'm convinced he knows me more than I know myself. Either that, or he can read my mind. But he knows all my winces, grins, and pouty lips.
He knows what I'm saying, when I'm not saying anything at all.
He knows things about me, that I don't even know about myself.
And I was thinking on my way to work this morning, about how my whole life I've had to try so hard to open the door, and let people into my life. And then I realized... some people you don't even need to let in. Because they already have the key. So they can basically come in and eat your mac & cheese whenever the heck they want.
Right now, I'm just really grateful that I trusted. It's made all the difference.