I never thought I'd be saying this, but thank goodness the weekend is over. Steven and I had to speak at chuch on Sunday, and I dont' know about everyone else... but it stresses me out to the extreme and puts a damper on the whole weekend.
Good thing Steven is so patient with me, because I was not a fun person to be around the past couple days. I'm just glad it's over.
It was Miss Jessica's birthday last week! We basically suprised her face off with a party.
Right Jessica? Right?? Weren't you just so suprised??
It was basically off the hizzle.
Poor Flynn also got his first "swimming lessons" from Steven. We decided that when he's wet, he looks pretty weird. And that will will never ever shave him.
We recently finished all "The Office" seasons on netflix, so our after-dinner-before-bed-tv-show-watching was getting really lame.
Some friends suggested we watch LOST.
I always swore to myself i would never watch that show. Way too many people were into it, and it had blood and guts in it. Barrrrf.
But alas, I was that desperate. The also warned us that it would take over our lives.
I scoffed and said,"psch. yeah right it can't be THAT good."
And then it took over our lives. And now I am ashamed.
Some of the characters im in love with. And some I kinda hope get eaten by the polar bears.
It's basically a knock off of that one book you read in high school english called, "Lord of the Flies."
Plane wreck, mysterious monster, internal struggle for power yadda yadda yadda.
But I swear, if this show starts going all cannible like the book, I am O-U-T.
I just want to find out how it ends already dang it.
Here's to 115 hours of my life being "lost" (ha!) over my stubborn refusal to just skip to the last episode.